2019 - Dedication and Manele at your discretion - for you Free the best music
Radio Manele si Dedicatii Romania 2019 2020 va aduce mai aproape de cei dragi cu ajutorul rubricilor prin care puteti transmite mesaje si ganduri muzicale.Aplicatia cuprinde peste 20 de posturi radio online ce emit manele noi de top, muzica de petrecere si pahar, iar alaturi se afla butonul care te duce la rubrica de mesaje ce apartine respectivului post. Trebuie avut in vedere ca unele posturi nu au in permanenta un program de dedicatii, dar mai multe informatii le puteti gasi pe fiecare rubrica in parte. Cei mai de seama artisti se regasesc zi de zi gratis in playlist-urile noastre precum si alti artisti pe care ii puteti cere prin cadrul aplicatiei.Printre posturile din aplicatie putem enumera: Radio Manele Traditional, Inferno Manele, Hit FM, Taraf Romania si altele pe care va lasam pe voi sa le descoperiti.Aici puteti gasi manele live fara numar pentru a va petrece viata pe barosaneala! Download si in 2018 cea mai buna aplicatie...Gratis! Cea mai buna muzica de 5 stele este doar aici, distreaza-te la maxim!Aplicatia iti permite sa iti folosesti smartphone-ul in continuare deoarece, muzica ruleaza si in fundal si este optimizata pentru un consum de date redus pe retele mobile...Daca ti-a placut aceasta aplicatie nu ezita sa ii dai un share, un rating pentru ca si prietenilor tai sa le fie mai usor sa o descare.Va multumim ca ati descarcat aceasta aplicatie si va dorim auditie placuta!Radio Manele and Dedicatii Romania 2019 2020 will bring you closer to your loved ones with the help of the fields through which you can send messages and musical thoughts.The application includes more than 20 online radio stations that broadcast new top handles, party music and glass, and next to it is the button that takes you to the message box that belongs to the respective station. It should be borne in mind that some positions do not have a permanent program of dedications, but you can find more information on each section separately. The most important artists can be found daily in our playlists for free, as well as other artists that you can request through the application.Among the stations in the application we can list: Radio Manele Traditional, Inferno Manele, Hit FM, Taraf Romania and others that we leave you to discover.Here you can find live manele without number to spend your life on the wall! Download the best application in 2018 ... Free! The best 5-star music is just here, have fun!The application allows you to continue using your smartphone because, the music runs in the background and is optimized for reduced data consumption on mobile networks.If you liked this application do not hesitate to give it a share, a rating because it will be easier for your friends to download it.Thank you for downloading this application and we wish you a pleasant hearing!